Our main purpose in writing this book was to address the issues just presented in a way that is relevant to you—the student. That’s the short answer. The longer answer is that we wrote this book to accomplish a number of objectives, specifically: To encourage you to take a closer look at the marketplace around you and then to consider what you have observed and experienced as you look at the theory and practical applications discussed
To offer you the chance to work through the ―whys‖ related to consumer behavior To provide you with a better understanding of the causal links between consumer behavior and marketer action
To establish the practical connection between what we know and understand about consumer behavior and the development of sound marketing strategy, targeting, positioning, and marketing mix decisions
To move you to the point where you will become a more informed, efficient, and effective consumer
To expose you to the most current thinking and research results, giving you an up-to-date perspective on what we know and understand about shopper, buyer, and consumer behavior and its public policy implications
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