The English language is made up of several different speech elements and our basic English grammar book outline will help you understand these elements clearly. You will learn how to conjugate the past and the present tenses of verbs so you can form sentences correctly. You will also be able to identify the key differences between similar English language tenses. With these lessons, the basic English rules of grammar will become crystal clear. Punctuations play a big part in the English language, so we have included some of our basic English grammar exercises covering the most important punctuation rules. With proper practice here, you will be able to use punctuations correctly. You will also learn how to construct a sentence using the passive tense.
The sentence structure in the English language may sound complicated at first but rest assured that you will be able to follow this book easily and finish it with flying colors ! The book begins by explaining how to use the modal verb ‘ can ‘ to say that you are allowed or able to do something. We show you how to combine ‘can’ and an infinitive verb and ‘ be ‘ with ‘ able to ‘. We also lay out the past and negative forms of ‘ can ‘ and ‘ could ‘. The book then teaches you how to use specific verbs to discuss the past in English. You will also learn how to use ‘ may’ or ‘ might ‘ ( and their negative forms) to say something is possible or impossible in the future. We then cover ‘instead’ , ‘going to’ and the combination of ‘ may / might ‘ and ‘ have to’. We explain how you can use ‘ could ‘ instead of ‘ may ‘ and ‘ might ‘ in the positive, but not in the negative. The book shows you how to use ‘ must ‘ , ‘ must not ‘ and ‘ don’t have to ‘ , followed by ‘ have got to ‘, ‘ should not ‘, ‘ ought ‘, ‘ would ‘, ‘ would have ‘ and ‘ will ‘.
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