I, Pramod Kumar Sharma would like to sincerely thank to several scholars for providing assistance as and when required for providing me an opportunity which has enhance my knowledge on legal area. There is always a sense of gratitude, which everyone express to others for the helpful and need services they rendered during the successful completion of my BOOK. Cooperation, coordination and guidance are required at various stages for successful completion of the book. Considering the actual fact that no work is a single man‘s efforts, we are indebted to eminent authors, commentators and jurists for their valuable assistance I have derived from their writings. The present edition is the result of faith, conviction and praise on the part of many persons.
I take this opportunity to thank all our teachers, colleagues in college, close friends and students who infused in me the needed strength to take the academic task. With deep gratitude and respect, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to my family, who continues to support me in all our ventures, they acted as motivational catalyst for me. Our publishers, particular M/S Writers Row publication, for motivating and taking keen interest in my present edition and without which edition could not have been brought out in present form, Thanks are also due to its editorial staff for their courtesies and cooperation in the publication of present edition.
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